

Continue your academic journey and professional development with a Master of Education (MEd) in Professional Counseling degree from 澳门威尼斯人赌城! Through our program at the Carters and Moyers School of Education, you'll develop the skills and knowledge needed to perform effectively in professional counseling positions in school and non-school settings. 

Our program combines academic preparation in the areas of counseling, guidance and research with practicum and internship assignments. All courses in the program maintain the standards of both the Council for 认证 of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) and Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) accreditation, and the School Counseling program maintains standards of Council for the 认证 of Educator Preparation (CAEP) accreditation.

To better align with your professional aspirations, our program offers concentrations in pre -12学校咨询 and 心理健康咨询. 而你必须从两种浓度中选择一种, if you choose to return and pursue the other counseling concentration as an add-on (to meet your career goals), 你必须参加公共咨询核心课程, 哪些可以在36学时内完成.

So, you can fit your education more comfortably into your professional and personal schedule, the Professional Counseling program is taught in a hybrid format, 在座位上交付, face-to-face format with additional instruction offered through synchronous and/or asynchronous online components. Online courses and components of the hybrid model will include active instruction and support of the faculty to offer you improved guidance and instruction. 

专业咨询项目, focusing heavily on interpersonal and helping relationships, 将需要相当大的承诺. 入学前, please consult the Chair of the Counseling program regarding how appropriate the curriculum is in relation to your personal situation and professional objectives. 一旦你被录取, you must consult with your faculty advisor regarding sequencing of courses and licensure requirements. 



The admission process for the Master of Education (MEd) degree program at LMU consists of two levels. Review the lists below to ensure that you complete all necessary steps and submit all required items.


Based on the recommendations of the Professional Counseling Program Director and faculty representatives, the Dean of the School of Education will approve your admission to Graduate Education Studies in Professional Counseling. To qualify for admission to graduate studies at LMU, you must submit the following items:

在开始你的课程之前, 你必须参加新生培训, where you will work with an advisor to develop a program of study. 一旦有, you will receive a program handbook containing the policies and procedures of the program as well as:



已完成的申请将以滚动方式进行审核. If your application is approved, you will be set up for a personal interview with program faculty. 


After competing at least one but no more than two 6 credit hour graduate-level courses, 你将申请学位候选资格. With the assistance of your assigned advisor, you must submit the following items:

在完成这些要求之后, your credentials will be presented to the Graduate Admission Committee for admission to degree candidacy. 

Note: If you have completed more than six semester hours of coursework prior to making an application for degree candidacy, 一些课程作业可能 NOT 允许在学位课程中使用.


Once you have successfully completed the program, you must request the exit exam. 如果你的项目是论文项目, the thesis defense will become the exam and must be successfully completed. 如果你的项目是非论文项目, you must successfully complete a comprehensive exam consisting of (1) "Personal Philosophy of Counseling," and (2) a series of case studies based on knowledge of professional, legal, 道德咨询实践. The written comprehensive exam is a four-hour exam, but in some cases, it may be conducted orally.


To apply to the Professional Counseling program at 澳门威尼斯人赌城, 你必须通过 LMU门户.


在过去的两年里, the Mental Health and School Counseling program have both had a 100% licensure completion rate and 100% job placement rate. After completing the Professional Counseling program at LMU, you'll have the opportunity to not only explore a wide variety of job opportunities, 而是通过真实的, 给他人的生活带来积极的改变. You can make that difference in a number of settings, including:

Looking to build experience in addition to your academic journey? Each year, faculty in the Professional Counseling program conduct research and present at conferences with graduate students looking to build their experiences for application to doctoral programs.


Want to learn more about the 专业咨询教育硕士 degree program at 澳门威尼斯人赌城? 随时与我们联系,我们将很乐意提供帮助!

Email: kristen.smith862@ayleenskateboards.net


Email: tywana.england@ayleenskateboards.net
