student doing a lab

Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science

澳门威尼斯人赌城获得医学实验室科学(MLS)学士学位,探索科学和护理方面的职业生涯! MLS有效地将现代实验室科学与医疗保健相结合,在医疗保健行业开创了一个新的职业领域. 医学实验室科学家(以前称为"医疗技术人员")在临床实验室进行的测试有助于医生更好地诊断和治疗病理状况. These scientists perform and interpret an array of tests, 从简单的血糖测试到先进的分子诊断分析.

At LMU, our MLS program is a "two-plus-two" program, 这意味着你将从完成两年的附带科学要求的通识教育课程开始,并在大三的时候申请进入MLS项目. 在大三和大四期间,您将接受临床实践培训. If you are a high school graduate with no college credits, 你可以在四年(四个春季学期和四个秋季学期)完成这个项目,不需要暑期课程. 如果你已经完成了所有附属科学课程的科学学士学位(BS), 你只需要42个学分的MEDLS教学和临床课程就可以满足BS MLS学位的要求.

MLS计划的目标是为您和您的同龄人提供最高质量的学习和奖学金. 我们的教师致力于为像您这样的杰出医学实验室科学家提供所需的医学知识, skills, outlooks, 并以专业的诚信成为您的医疗保健社区所需要的专业人士.

As a medical laboratory scientist, 你将与临床医生密切合作,诊断和监测疾病进程和治疗的有效性. 据估计,在所有与患者诊断有关的决定中,有高达70%的决定是不确定的, treatment, 住院和出院是根据医学实验室科学家进行的测试结果.

During your time in the LMU MLS program, 您将在教学和临床领域获得严格的学习经验, including microbiology, chemistry, hematology, immunohematology, toxicology, and molecular diagnostics.

完成MLS课程后,您将为医学实验室科学职业做好充分准备. But you may wondering: what can be expected in that role? 虽然有时确实很有挑战性,但它同样是有益的. Some of your professional obligations may include:


Apply to the MLS Program

Admission Requirements

查看以下详细信息,以确保您有资格进入澳门威尼斯人赌城的MLS课程. 要符合参赛资格,您必须符合以下标准并完成必要的步骤:

How to Apply

Before you apply for admission into the MLS program, you must first be chosen for regular admission at LMU. Apply to the University using the LMU portal.

请注意,被LMU录取并不保证被MLS项目录取. Being admitted into the MLS program is a competitive process, and factors for being considered for admission include:

LMU的MLS招生委员会(由医学实验室科学系的教职员工组成)将审查您的申请材料,并向项目主任提出学术入学建议. The director will then notify you of your admission status. 

Note: Any omission, 在你的申请过程中提供虚假或误导性信息将导致你不被录取, and if you have already been admitted, you will be dismissed from the MLS program.

Program Outcomes

In the years since the MLS program began,  我们已经连续29届以100%的通过率通过了美国临床病理学会(ASCP)认证委员会(BOC)的考试,个人分类和综合分数远远超过全国大学NAACLS认可的医学实验室科学专业的平均水平. 这29个班级在毕业后7天内在医学检验领域的就业率也达到了100%.

Once you have completed our MLS program, not only are there an abundance of job opportunities awaiting you, 但这些职位中的大多数都为新人提供了具有竞争力的薪水, new scientists. As a professional medical laboratory scientist in the United States, the average salary available to you is roughly $70,457 with the lower end being $56,955 and the high end being $80,851.

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