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To inquire about this program:
Dr. Stephanie Holyfield | 423.869.6030 | 

History Major

According to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, 从2018年到2028年,历史学家的就业预计将增长6%, about as fast as the average for all occupations. Many organizations that employ historians, such as historical societies and historical consulting firms, depend on donations or public funding. Those with a master's degree or Ph.D. should have the best job opportunities. 有关历史学家工作前景的更多信息,请参阅: U.S. 劳工统计局职业展望手册:历史学家.

LMU的历史专业教导学生如何成为一名历史学家,并为他们从事各种教学工作奠定坚实的基础, historic preservation, and further study in law school and graduate school. 即使学生不选择在历史相关领域发展职业, 学习过去会给学生提供看待现在的新视角和知识,这对在任何职业中取得成功都很有用.

Program Mission Statement

历史课程旨在帮助学生了解美国的过去和他们周围世界的历史, 让全球意识到与他们共享地球的各种各样的人, 并培养文化是如何相互作用创造世界历史的意识. Moreover, 历史课程致力于培养学生从历史角度思考问题, to understand history from a humanities-based perspective, to appreciate historical methodology, 并且能够在他们的课程和研究生生涯中批判性地处理和使用历史信息.

历史项目的使命支持了大学为学生提供一个知识领域的深入研究的努力. Through research and writing essays and papers, 该计划支持大学教授学生有效沟通的努力, 其课程内容支持大学的目标,即让学生了解人类社会随时间的发展. 该计划的课程设置在亚伯拉罕·林肯的生活和职业生涯中,作为大学努力突出总统在美国政治家中的首要作用和他在其使命中所代表的价值观的基石.

Meet the Faculty

Dr. Carson Benn

Dr. William Hardy

Dr. Stephanie Holyfield

Dr. Joanna Neilson

Dr. Debra Salata

BA in History


The Early Entry Program to LMU Duncan School of Law

LMU邓肯法学院的提前入学计划允许澳门威尼斯人赌城的本科生申请, be accepted to, 并在获得学士学位之前,开始在LMU邓肯法学院攻读法学博士学位. For more information, see Guidelines and Early Entry Plan 2024-2025.

Required Core Courses for the BA

All tracks require the same six core courses:

  • HIST 121 World History to 1500
  • HIST 122 World History since 1500
  • HIST 131 American History to 1877
  • HIST 132 American History since 1877
  • HIST 300 Introduction to Historical Studies
  • HIST 480 Historical Methods

History Minor

历史辅修课程为学生提供了比普通教育课程更深入的历史参与. 从所有四个介绍性调查开始,作为坚实的基础, students then take at least 9 hours of upper-division classes. For these upper-division classes, students can choose to focus on a particular area of interest, such as the 19th-century United States, the Ancient and Classical Worlds, Medieval Europe, Britain, South Asia, and the Middle East. 历史辅修课程为学生提供了通过这些高年级课程分配的论文和演讲来提高分析和沟通技巧的能力. 这些技能适用于许多领域,对任何即将进入职场或继续深造的人都有好处. A History minor works particularly well with a major in English, Criminal Justice, 政治学是一个非常可行的选择,因为辅修只需要18个学分. 学生在完成通识教育史要求后,已经有6个小时的辅修课程.

Required courses for the History Minor:

  • HIST 121 World History to 1500 (3 credit hours)
  • HIST 122 World History since 1500 (3 credit hours)
  • HIST 131 American History to 1877 (3 credit hours)
  • HIST 132 American History since 1877 (3 credit hours)
  • 历史选修课-任何两门300或400级的高年级历史课(6学时)

Total: 18 credit hours



亚伯拉罕·林肯图书馆博物馆提供校园实习机会, 以及该地区的其他几个历史遗址和机构.

Career Opportunities

According to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, 从2018年到2028年,历史学家的就业预计将增长6%, about as fast as the average for all occupations. Many organizations that employ historians, such as historical societies and historical consulting firms, depend on donations or public funding. Those with a master's degree or Ph.D. should have the best job opportunities. 有关历史学家工作前景的更多信息,请参见:美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook,

With a degree in history, 学生为需要扎实的分析和沟通技巧的工作、研究生和专业课程做好准备.


  • 中学教学水平(具有历史专业和中等教育证书)
  • 在社区学院和四年制大学任教(在提供历史硕士和博士学位的大学里,还要参加研究生水平的课程学习)
  • Working in research and archival positions at museums, historical societies, and national and state historical parks
  • Working in research and archival positions in the public sector

Alumni Success

You'll find LMU history program graduates:

  • 参加肯塔基大学和田纳西大学的研究生和专业课程
  • 在亚伯拉罕·林肯图书馆和博物馆担任旅游和教育主管, Lincoln Memorial University
  • 在历史悠久的霍尔斯顿河谷的黑豹溪州立公园担任官方国家口译协会(NAI)认证指南
  • Serving in the Tennessee State Legislature
  • Practicing law