

Dr. 本杰明·马布里| 423.869.7427 | 便雅悯.mabry@ayleenskateboards.net


In political science students explore how government impacts citizens, 公民如何影响政府, 和 how citizens relate to one another. Students of political science examine the American constitution 和 the institutions 和 processes which it produced; They examine how nations interact with one another 和 how other nations' governments differ from our own; They also examine big questions like "what is justice?" 和 "why do human beings need government?"

Politics is at the core of our societal relationships, 我们的经济, 我们与其他国家的互动, 和 our cognizance of who we are as a people. Politics also defines 和 clarifies our individual rights 和 our responsibilities to one another. Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story claimed that "Republics are created by the virtue, public spirit 和 intelligence of the citizens." Political science students graduate with the ability to think, speak 和 act more thoughtfully when it comes to essential issues that face every citizen of America's republic.

Bachelor of 艺术s in 政治科学

政治科学 students take diverse, engaging 和 eye-opening courses that examine American political institutions, 竞选和选举, 宪法, 政治哲学, international politics 和 comparative governments. All students take a group of core introductory courses 和 upper-division electives of their choice.



  • 美国国家政府
  • Introduction to Public Administration
  • 政治理念概论
  • Introduction to International Relations
  • 政治学研讨会
  • Statistical Methods for the Social Science

Students select elective courses based on their goals 和 interests which can include:

  • 比较政治学
  • 公共政策概论
  • 法律与司法系统
  • 州和地方政府
  • 宪法概论
  • 政治与立法程序
  • 总统
  • American Foreign 和 Security Policy
  • 自由民主及其批评者


政治学2024-2025 - 四年计划2024-2025.

The Early Entry Program to LMU Duncan School of Law allows undergraduate students at Lincoln Memorial University to apply, 被接受, 和 begin pursuing a JD at LMU Duncan School of Law (DSOL) prior to graduating with a Bachelor's Degree. 有关更多信息,请参见 的指导方针提前进入计划2024-2025.


Because so many areas of human life relate to politics, 政治科学 is an outst和ing minor to complement any number of majors. Knowledge of the policymaking 和 regulatory process, 和 the dynamics of international politics are useful for Business majors; underst和ing of the institutions 和 trends in American politics is useful for 英语 majors interested in journalism; studying courts 和 宪法 is useful for Criminal Justice majors 和 all students interested in pursuing law school.

All students who minor in 政治科学 take:

  • 美国国家政府
  • Introduction to Public Administration
  • 政治理念概论
  • Introduction to International Relations
  • Two 政治科学 electives that students can choose based on their own interests 和 goals.


Dr. 本杰明Mabry: 政治科学 Program Director 和 Assistant Professor of 政治科学 

Dr. Steven Roberts: Instructor of 政治科学

Dr. 马丁卖家: Professor of 政治科学 和 Dean, School of 艺术s, 人文学科, 和 Social 科学


政治科学 graduates are well prepared for any number of graduate 项目, 包括法学院, 工商管理硕士 项目, MPA 项目, as well as MA 和 PhD programs in political science.

Job Opportunities for 政治科学 Majors

Politics relates to almost every area of life. 除了在当地找工作, 州政府和联邦政府, political science graduates find successful careers as

  • 律师
  • 咨询顾问
  • 老师
  • 记者
  • 执法人员
  • 说客
  • 研究人员
  • 档案工作人员
  • 银行家
  • 业务管理员
  • 和积极分子.

政治科学 graduates are poised to enter the workforce in multi-national organizations 和 organizations that work with government relations, 宣传, contracting 和 conflict management as well as the growing healthcare sector.

Job Growth in the 政治科学 Field

根据美国.S. 劳工统计局, the employment of political scientists is projected to grow 5 percent from 2018 to 2028, about as fast as the average for all occupations. For more detailed information on the positive job growth expected in the field of political science please see here: U.S. 劳工统计局; 政治科学.