

医学知识: Medical Providers must demonstrate the ability to master clinical foundational science and apply it to patient evaluation and decision making. Critical thinking is necessary to assimilate patient care data and develop appropriate management plans. The Medical Provider must be able to:

  • 应用 current medical science to patient care;
  • Recognize the presentation of common medical disease;
  • Discover normal and abnormal patient data using conventional evaluative methods;
  • Develop plans for wellness and health improvement/management.


Interpersonal and Communication Skills: Medical providers must be able to effectively communicate with patients, 家庭, and caregivers for the appropriate exchange of information in order to promote health and wellness by:

  • Establishing rapport using both verbal and non-verbal communication;
  • Effectively eliciting and providing health-related information;
  • Showing authentic compassion without compromising therapeutic and ethical principles;
  • Creating accurate and legible patient care documentation.


病人护理: The assessment and management of patients must be safe, effective, 质量, and acceptable by:

  • Establishing and maintaining patient autonomy; being willing to remove oneself from patient care in the event of a personal conflict with this autonomy;
  • Utilizing appropriate time and skills to obtain accurate and appropriate medical information
  • Daily pursuing the art of clinical judgment;
  • Utilizing appropriate time and skills to establish and implement care plans;
  • Perform appropriate medical and surgical procedures as part of the patient care plan;
  • Promoting education, disease prevention, and health maintenance;
  • Using technology, where appropriate, to support patient care decisions and education.


专业: Professionalism is the conscious and subconscious embodiment of behaviors that demonstrate an attitude of servitude, 无私, 和尊重. Clinicians must wholly represent themselves as professionals by:

  • Committing to abide by legal and regulatory requirement;s
  • 与患者互动, 家庭, and the healthcare team in a manner that promotes the value 和尊重 of each individual;
  • Holding oneself accountable to patients and society while committing to remain teachable in all circumstances;
  • Committing to ongoing professional development;
  • Committing to ethical principles and adhering to judicial judgment when confronted with conflicts of interest in patient care and the business of healthcare;
  • Leading by exemplary personal health behaviors and life decisions.


Practice-Based Learning and Improvement: Clinicians should always seek to improve their patient care and patient care practices. 这是通过:

  • Committing to continually review practice patterns and behaviors in an effort to improve cost, 质量, 以及病人的访问权限;
  • Staying abreast of current medical literature and scientific updates and applying it where appropriate to patient care and practice;
  • Where appropriate, utilize technology for improved cost, 质量, 以及病人的访问权限;
  • 坚持终身学习.


系统实践: Systems-based practice is the successful integration of one's practice within the larger health care system. The system is improved when clinicians:

  • Have a solid understanding of the system's delivery and funding mechanisms;
  • Intentionally provide and advocate for cost-effective, safe health care without compromise in the 质量 of care;
  • Assume the responsibility of being part of the solution to easing the difficulty of navigating the system;
  • Collaborate with other health care providers to deliver effectively, 质量 health care;
  • Recognize areas of one's practice that attribute to a decrease in patient access.